It all started with my Grandpa's journey to India. He left Switzerland in the 1940s bound for India to take over his cousin's handloom export business. From there his love of handloom grew and grew until his lifelong mission was to help sustain the handloom industry in India. During this time he created a new dark red dye for his textiles and called it Bundu red.
My Grandpa died in his beloved weaving village in Southern India working right up until his very last day.
He taught me so much about India and her people and their textiles. I've always wanted to continue this dream of his.
I have been lucky enough to have met so many wonderful people in magical India and together we are helping each other and the wider communities around us to create timeless pieces from quality handcrafted fabric.
Each piece is unique in its own way, hand-tailored by one of our three local tailors and seamstresses with time and care.
Please bear with us as our lead times may be a little longer as most items are stitched to order.
Thank you so much for visiting us,